Online Catalogue

AeroSkip Products

All products made in Scotland UK

Online Catalogue |  AeroSkip Products

Pro-Gold Speedrope Pro-Gold Speedrope
The Worlds Greatest Speedrope
Over 6 million Sales Worldwide
BS 5665 & EN71 British & European Certification
'Friction Free' Action
Endorsed by the British & USA Muay Thai Associations and 16 Ex World Boxing Champs
Fully adjustable AND Re-adjustable
Top performance on virtually any surface

Your Price:£12.99 / €19.49


Workout DVD Workout DVD
Burn those calories and feel the benefits like you never have before in this sensational Aeroskip Workout. Filmed in New York, Miami, The French Riviera & Monaco this instructional film offers you both a Basic as well as Intermediate Aeroskip Programme. Basically giving you all the knowledge you need to transform your fitness and have complete weight control. Approx - 1 hour long
Your Price:£16.99 / €25.49


Workout Music CD (Advanced) Workout Music CD (Advanced)
This pro CD offers over an hour of exhilirating and correctly paced music to Workout and Burn those Calories. Ranging from 126 to over 140 beats per minute this CD will help optimise the fitness effect and your calorie burn and if you are an instructor the music is offered License Free - Pump up the Volume

Your Price:£14.99 / €22.49


Total Fitness Pack Total Fitness Pack
This Cool Presentation Pack contains everything you need to take your Aeroskip Workout Anywhere - Containing our Pro Gold Speedrope the Aeroskip Insructional DVD and the Advanced Music CD - Working out was never as much fun or as effective.
Your Price:£39.99 / €59.99


Fitness Pack Fitness Pack
This pack offers the basics to establish your Aeroskip Regime.This pack offers the Aeroskip Pro Gold Speedrope with EITHER the Instructional DVD Film OR with the Advanced Music CD - the choice is yours
Your Price:£29.99 / €44.99

Your Choice
Instructional DVD   
Advanced Music CD   


Online Catalogue |  AeroSkip Products

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